Porirua Women & Family Centre

Safety plan to help you and your whānau

If the time is right to leave, ensuring you and your children get out safely is the number one priority.

Creating a safety plan in advance can be an important first step toward a better, safer life.

Phone Numbers

Have important phone numbers written down that you may need.

Mobile Phone

Get a mobile phone and keep it safe.
Work and Income may be able to help you get one.

Important Documents

Have copies of important personal documents such as birth certificates, passports, driver’s license, bank or insurance details.

Tell Someone

Tell a trusted friend or neighbour if you think you have fears for your safety.

Make a Plan

Make a plan and practice this for when you are feeling unsafe. Think about the safest place to run to, and where you can get outside.

Bank Account

Open your own bank account and try and save a little each week.

Protection Order

You could apply for a Protection Order, we can help you with advice on this.

What is family violence?

Family violence is a power imbalance, where one person tries to control another. The aggressor often uses intimidation, fear and abuse to maintain that control.

Many people believe that family violence is only physical abuse. However, family violence takes many different forms. It may also be psychological, sexual, financial or spiritual.

Physical abuse

Includes hitting, pinching, slapping, pushing, punching, kicking, burning, stabbing or shooting. It may also include threats to cause harm.

Verbal abuse

Sometimes referred to as emotional or psychological abuse. Name calling, jealousy, isolation from family and friends, and threats to leave the relationship or to commit suicide if the victim does not co-operate.

Sexual abuse

Unwanted touching or sexual activity. It may include control over birth control, forced pregnancies or abortions and transmission of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).

Financial abuse

When an individual uses finances to control another individual. This could include forcing a person to hand over all or part of their salary or by denying someone access to their own finances

Spiritual abuse

When an individual uses religious or spiritual matters to control another, such as forcing another to follow a particular faith or give up their religion

If you or someone you know needs help…

We are a wrap around service that offers women and their whānau in need, safety, guidance and support on their journey forward.