Porirua Women & Family Centre

What we do to help wāhine and their whānau

We’re here for you. We’re not here to judge.

The Porirua Women & Family Centre is a space for wāhine and their whānau to nurture their wellbeing in a safe and supportive environment.

Te Whare Manaaki – Women’s Refuge & Te Whare Tiaki – Māori Women’s Refuge deal with vulnerable women and their whānau in their time of need. The Porirua Women & Family Centre was established and designed as an extension of these services.

Free Workshops

We offer a number of FREE workshops that are consistently changing to meet the needs of our community. Some of the workshops we currently offer are:

  • WOW – Women Of Worth program
  • Art & Craft workshops
  • Pottery
  • Yoga
  • Crochet & Knitting
  • Paint with Seema
  • Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support group
  • School holiday activities for our tamariki

Social Services & Support

We have Social and Support Workers on site to provide our clients with practical support, information and advice. Our team can help arrange appointments, provide support and supply information about services that are delivered by other partners.

  • Social Work Assessments
  • WINZ benefits
  • Liaison with Oranga Tamariki
  • Liaison with clinicians or other community agencies
  • Support with Court and legal processes
  • Advocacy support
  • Advocacy for emergency housing
  • Protection & Restraining & Parenting Orders
  • Support with supervised visits
  • Referral to other services

Free Counselling

We provide FREE counselling onsite. Our Counsellers are a team of committed, compassionate women with the aim of supporting our vulnerable women and their whānau. Our Counselling services are friendly, non-judgemental, and 100% confidential!

Breast Feeding Clinics

We have a breast feeding clinic available every Tuesday from 10am – 1.30pm

  • Run by registered Nurses and Midwifes from Ora Toa
  • Providing Lactation Support
  • Ongoing support available

Drivers Licencing

We provide support and guidance for gaining the skills required to obtain a driving licence.

  • Support with ID documentation
  • Practicing online driving testing to qualify for Learners Licence
  • Support available for practical driving lessons
  • Support for applying for Restricted Licence

Job Seeking Skills

We provide support and guidance for those that want to

  • CV writing
  • Cover Letters
  • Job Applications
  • Creating Seek Profile
  • Interview skills and techniques
  • Dress standards and presentation